Happy 2015!
It's been quite a year for us at Viska. Thank you for being a part of it!
Since we launched in February, we've improved our designs, added new canvas color options for our backpacks, and launched new leather products like purses and clutches.
Getting to meet journalists has been delightful. Thank you for your kind reviews and for all you do to turn people on to great new stuff.
Thank you to our customers, for taking a chance with a new company like us. We are incredibly grateful for your support and proud to make things for you. It thrills us to see the adventures in which you're bringing us along. We are blown away that 1400+ followers on Instagram have welcomed us into their daily lives alongside family and friends. It's been fun to meet many of you in real life as well, at events and just out on the street. Having someone recognize a Viska backpack on our backs is still a surprise that we relish.
It's been a great first year, and we can't wait to show you what we're working on for 2015. Happy New Year!
-Ashley & James